Bookkeeping & Financial Statement Preparation
Tax Preparation Services
If you own a small business and haven’t kept up your bookkeeping, don’t worry. We can help you.
We sit down with business owners and evaluate their tax situation and plan with them to minimize their taxes in the future, as well as filing their required current business and personal tax returns.
We prepare returns for sole proprietors, LLC’s, partnerships, corporations, s-corporations, and non-profits as well as income, franchise, sales, payroll, personal property, and gross receipts tax forms of federal, state, or local governments throughout the United States.
Planning is the key to successfully and legally reducing your tax liability. We go beyond tax compliance and proactively recommend tax saving strategies to maximize your after-tax income.
Remember, we work for you not for the IRS. Many of our clients save many times our fee in reduced tax liability through careful planning and legitimate tax strategies.
Books a Mess: No Problem!
If you own a small business and haven’t kept up your bookkeeping, don’t worry. We can help you. We’ll prepare your bookkeeping for the year; prepare a business tax return as well as your personal income tax return. Then we’ll help you set up an easy system that allows you to keep your books in tip-top shape next year.